Hold on a sec...was there any cleaning supplies you needed for your instrument?
We've spent hours and hours researching the best cleaners and accessories to save you the time and the hassle! Check out our recommended supplies...
How To Clean An Acoustic Guitar: The Complete Step-By-Step Guide
Everything you wanted to know about cleaning and taking care of your acoustic guitar in one place, with links to more in-depth articles if you need them.
A luthier is a professional craftsperson who builds and repairs stringed instruments, ranging from electric guitars to violins and everything in between. Find out more about what a luthier does, how...
Choosing the right strings for your ukulele is based on your type of ukulele, how you will play it, and your level. As a beginner though, you should start with nylon strings.
When most of us get our first electric guitars we just use the strings that are on it. But are they the right strings for a beginner? It’s not very likely. If you bought your first electric guitar...
As a beginner, you probably haven’t considered what type of strings you should be playing. After all, your guitar likely already has strings on it but are they the right strings for you?
Keeping your mandolin strings as clean as possible for as long as possible is key to preserving that new mandolin string tone. We'll cover that and cleaning mandolin fretboards in depth!